California Advocate Stories - Share Yours Here

  • Vaughn from California

    "There is so much misinformation regarding Kratom. I’m a huge advocate of the industry but know that we have to avoid the bad players who risk harming the industries reputation."

  • Steve from California

    "I am a disabled combat veteran who was blown up 3 times overseas with 8 years of service. When I returned from Afghanistan the VA started pumping me full of pain pills and was mailing large amounts to my doorstep. After they got me nice and hooked they totally cut me off which I was then physically addicted and forced to get my pills from the street. That quickly turned to a heroin addiction which inevitably led to a fentanyl addiction. After 3 unsuccessful 90day rehab attempts, I discovered kratom and my love for the ocean which both saved my life. I haven’t touched a hard drug in over 3 years now all because of kratom."

  • Anthony from California

    "Kratom helps me significantly with my Obsessive Compulsive Disorder by way of anxiety management. A lot of my OCD symptoms are ruminating thoughts, intrusive thoughts, and compulsions. I've struggled with this my entire life, but when I was told about Kratom a few years ago and how it has been shown to help with so many aspects of mental health I gave it a try. I've been a huge proponent of Kratom ever since and I'm able to use it as a tool to help live a manageable, productive, positive life."

  • Brian from California

    "I use kratom because it mitigates the symptoms from multiple sclerosis. These include fatigue, restless leg syndrome, and pain, neuropathic pain in my lower legs. The fatigue had gotten bad enough that I was losing mobility. I can do things now that I wasn't able to before. No pharmaceutical has helped as much as kratom has. Don't deny other people the benefits kratom provides. Thank you."

  • Jason from California

    "Kratom has literally saved my life. I went through severe traumas in 2018 and 2019. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the healing and benevolent actions that Kratom provides. It gave me the ability to press on and live life through otherwise debilitating traumas. I'm a responsible American citizen who loves his country. And I say again that Kratom is important to me and I wholeheartedly oppose any Kratom bans. Thank you."

  • Judy from California

    "I use Kratom for relief from the horrible affliction of Restless Leg Syndrome. Kratom is an absolute lifesaver. I have also used prescription-type opioids, and these have proven very helpful, but the side-effects are debilitating. I don't have the same side-effects with Kratom. I have to go off Kratom every so often because I tend to develop tolerance fairly easily. But I can easily go off Kratom. I never ever have any side effects, except that my RLS kicks up in a terrible way. It would be totally devastating to me to have Kratom banned."

  • Rita from California

    "Kratom has been my life saver. I would be homebound all the time but it allows me to do most of the things required in a day. Taking this away will only increase drug use. I don’t want hydrocodone to help me, something of true nature is my choice."

  • Sarah from California

    "Doctors had me on very high doses of norco for many years and I didn’t know any better like many people and I almost died from norco and Xanax combination doctors had me on. I was in a coma for 3 days from all the meds doctors had me on. Thank god my husband researched kratom because I was able to SAFELY get off all my prescription medications even depression and anxiety pills because of kratom! I will always live with pain unfortunately because of my many problems but at least I can live somewhat a better life not stuck in a high state. I truly believe I wouldn’t be here today with the help of kratom."

  • Doug from California

    "Kratom got me off the cycle of opioids and the horrible feeling of being shamed for having chronic pain. With chronic pain there are two choices, stop living your life, or find a way to deal with it. Norco and other synthetics are dark and horrible in comparison to natural Kratom and it is the best pain reliever I have ever tried. I can stay active and take Kratom and I was unable to do that on opiods. If you have never experienced pain, it is difficult to understand the importance of this subject. The availability of Kratom gave me my life and dignity back."

  • Kami from California

    “I am a mother. I am a child of God. I am a responsible Kratom consumer.”

  • Chloe from California

    "I am a nurse practitioner in California who has several patients that have expressed benefits from using Kratom. This supplement has helped them stop using street opioids like fentanyl and is much safer. Anything that reduces the use of fentanyl keeps people alive. Thank you."

  • Jean from California

    "I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and MAC lung disease. Kratom helps me and I want this bill passed so I can be sure the kratom I take is safe."

  • Jeremiah from California

    "Purity. There are way too many irresponsible companies pushing poor quality products. Kratom has come a long way in the last 10 years in the US and we need to make sure that kratom / kava formulas stay safe and clean. God bless this beautiful plant based tonic."

  • Joseph from California

    "It's aided in eliminating many medical issues that I spent years trying to suppress by other means. Also keeps me from having any interest whatsoever in doing fentanyl. Been using it for 5 years and never looked back since. Can function in society and live a normal life because of kratom. A life free of opiate overdoses and disgusting hygiene and poor health. A life of normal human connection and genuineness as opposed to the constant misery and lies that come with addiction. There's no more hurting myself, nor the people around me with Kratom involved. I have been to methadone and Suboxone clinics and neither keeps me from using like Kratom does. They both feel like poison on the mind and body, while with Kratom it's still possible to maintain clarity without affecting your physical or mental health in the way that Methadone and Suboxone can. Kratom has served me no wrong whatsoever in my entire 5 years of using it."

  • Matthew from California

    "I am a US Army Veteran who served during Operation Iraqi Freedom. I suffer from PTSD and Major Depressive Disorder. I had also turned to drinking to deal with my mental health which was a bad decision as is led to worsening my symptoms, and ultimately landing me in jail. However, I got help and got sober. During this time, I discovered kratom. Kratom helped me deal with the alcohol cravings, it completely crushed them. I also found out in treatment that many opiate users have used kratom to quit doing hard street drugs, which substantially lowers their risk of overdose or disease transmission. I have a master's degree in pharmaceutical chemistry, and some of my friends in treatment recommended that I make kratom extracts; so, I did and got some amazing feedback! I gave out some samples of my product on Reddit at r/kratomreview100 and people loved it, so I started Kalifornia Kratom, at I priced my extracts to account for the cost of the raw product, and processing. I have the best prices in the country, because I don't have to pay a chemist to make it, I am one, and I sell it at cost for the love of the plant, and to help others. My full spectrum extract is 17.1% alkaloid concentration and priced at just over $2 a gram.”

    Coupon code: "americankratom" to get $5 off orders over $20.

  • Thomas from California

    "Kratom has helped me with depression and anxiety and got me off of heavy drug use and has kept me clean and sober for the past 10 years. I'm very grateful that I only have to drink a couple cups of tea a day to stay clean and sober. I am now a taxpayer. I went from being homeless to having nothing to having a family and a wonderful career. There are a lot of beneficial things that kratom can bring to many people. I just wish more people would know about it and more doctors would consider it instead of narcotics."

  • Micah from California

    "When I was 13 I was in a motorcycle accident that left me pretty broken. Over the years I’ve raced motorcycles and grew up on horseback so I have fallen off plenty of things but when I started to be a stunt man in the film industry it became obvious that I had a problem with my neck and in 2004 I had my first neck fusion. I’ve had 18 surgeries/procedures in all over a 15 year period. From anterior and posterior fusion, three different sessions of rhizotomy‘s, multiple injections, two implanted nerve stimulator‘s and the whole time on heavy pain meds. Pain meds don’t help your pain go away they just make you not care. I didn’t care if I lived or died and was in so much pain 24 hours a day that it was destroying my life and my marriage, I was the “druggie in pain guy” that everyone met and completely lost myself. It was like my head was fun of cotton, I couldn’t really hear or see past my pain. Three years ago I discovered Kratom and it changed my life. Kratom takes my pain away 100% versus the pills that do not, the drugs don’t take your pain away, they just make you not care so much about the pain. I stopped my painkillers overnight and became a lover and user of Kratom. Once I started Kratom I began to get my life back, the fuzziness in my head started clearing up and my eyes began to open again. I started going to the gym and lost 30 pounds, I just wasn’t embarrassed anymore to be seen, not to mention that I could actually leave the house and do things because I was not restricted by pain. For three years now I am healthy and have control of my mouth and my brain, 15 years on opioids has affected my memory but now I am clearheaded which only Kratom gave me because believe me, I tried everything else. Without Kratom I am unable to live my life the way I want like a normal person. Kratom is my life blood and without it I am completely lost. Please don’t take this away from us who truly need it."

  • Sean from California

    “My time in the Navy left me with extreme anxiety. I suffered for about 2 years after being honorably discharged and when I found Kratom, it completely turned everything around for me. When this plant is respected and used with responsibility, the benefits for anxious people can be tremendous, and the side effects are much less extreme than what you would find in synthetic pharmaceutical drugs. I oppose any bans on this herb because it would be taking away the benefits that so many people like me have found with this supplement.”