Virginia Advocate Stories - Share Yours Here
Anonymous from Virginia
"Kratom helped me to stop drinking alcohol. I don't drink at all anymore. I still take kratom because it also helps my OCD, anxiety, my bowels, and what I think might be allodynia."
Brennon from Virginia
"I was affected by the pain pill epidemic that swept across the southwest VA region and started my senior year in high school. I stop using intravenous drugs and illicit street chemicals with the use of kratom. It has saved my life, my job, as well as my family. I owe my entire life to this wonderful plant."
Cary from Virginia
"My husband and I are in our 60’s - we have used kratom for 10+ years. Kratom allowed my husband to quit drinking and chewing and for me smoking. We had a turbulent day life that since kratom has turned around into a wonderful life. Kratom itself is not addictive nor does it produce a high like majuana - and certainly is nothing like morphine. You get a sense of well being and energy. You cannot overdose. We need to keep kratom available to everyone and keep it safe through the KCPA act like many other states."
Chase from Virginia
"Safely got me off of all Oxycodone that I was highly addicted to and could not go without. If it were not for Kratom and for the Lord, I myself do not think that I would still be alive. I never have urged to over use Kratom or use it as a tool to get high or in an altered state but it helps tremendously with chronic pain and anxiety in my experience for using to get off of highly addictive opioid pain killers. I have a beautiful family of four that I am able to be here and be present for, do not schedule this plant because it will do much detriment and harm to many."
Jef from Virginia
"With Kratom, I no longer see a psychiatrist nor take anti-depressants. My extreme back pain from re-injury and surgery in 2016 is controlled without painkillers. Also, Kratom has been indispensable in stopping my dependence on alcohol. I haven’t had a drink in four years, something I thought was impossible. I imagined that I would die a full-blown alcoholic. I am closer to my Lord, wife and family, and had perfect attendance at work before being forcefully retired due to my back injury. Kratom is a gift, but it doesn’t cure everything. I take great joy in living again and no longer feel as if under a dark cloud. Kratom has helped me immeasurably, and I would hate to lose this new life I have been given. There are many others with the same story. Please don’t make me a criminal by banning the resource that has saved my life."
Pam from Virginia
"Kratom has been an absolute life changing supplement for me. It's been a game changer since 2015. I have severe back pain. It all started when I was rear ended by a school bus. After 4 back surgeries in 3 years I still have incredible back pain and with Kratom I can manage. I have osteoarthritis from my neck to my ties and a long laundry list of other ailments. So thankful I have this supplement to help me through daily life. I'm appalled that the pharmacy industry is trying to schedule this supplement. I'm extremely saddened that people are blaming this supplement on deaths that had poly drug use. Anyone can abuse anything but it's hard to believe that anyone could overdose on unadulterated Kratom."
Steele from Virginia
"My back was causing me so much grief. Not my doctor, nor the emergency room was willing to prescribe me anything that worked. I was recommended to take over the counter medications, like Tylenol, which did not work. To be honest, I was contemplating ending my life over the severe pain I was experiencing. As a last resort, I tried kratom. Just one scoop would remove the pain in my back, increasing my quality of life unfathomably."
Wade from Virginia
"I have been drinking Kratom tea for 21 years responsibly. Kratom is the miracle God put into my life that pulled me out of a drug addiction and is currently keeping me out of the Dr's office due to 3 busted discs in my back. For me, Kratom was the bridge to a better lifestyle and, as a minister, it is a bridge I build for other addicts who come to me for help. It is our responsibility to communicate the truth about this plant with others. I am living proof that Genesis 1:14 is true - "He made the plants for our healing". Kratom healed my mind, body, and addiction. It truly is one of nature's powerful game-changers."
Wayne from Virginia
Coming from a long line of alcoholics in my family, I too succumbed to the drink at a very early age. By 16 years old, I was drinking every night. By 25, I was drinking every morning and all day. I tried it all to stop. Nothing would help. But at the age of 35, I found kratom and miraculously quit drinking. I took it for 4 years, but when the FDA tried to schedule it in 2016, I quit and never gave it a second thought. Within 6 months, I had lost everything I had gained from being alcohol free, because I started drinking again within 3 weeks after quitting kratom. The next 2 years were the hardest ever. But in 2018, I found out that it was never scheduled. I've been taking it now for the last 6 years and they have been my best years. I have a life I never thought was possible. With kratom, I don't think about alcohol, which is a miracle considering for almost 23 years, it ruled my thoughts and almost ruined my life.