Missouri Advocate Stories - Share Yours Here

  • Amy from Missouri

    "I began replacing alcohol with kratom seltzers and drink mixes a few months ago. I was searching for an alternative to alcohol for weeknights due to its less desirable effects (drowsiness, impaired function, and sleep disruption). Drinking kratom in the evening gives me a similar sensation but I'm able to sleep well and stay cognizant enough to make good choices. I can always tell when I've had enough and it's very easy to stop and switch to water (a skill that occasionally eludes me when drinking wine). I understand some peoples' concern around regulation and marketing. I only purchase from suppliers that have third party testing and I don't use it for relief throughout the day (which is how I could easily see addiction forming). However, as an end of day alternative to the most widely used and destructive drug in the country (alcohol), there's no comparison. I do hope future regulation will focus on safety and effective consumer messaging so citizens can make informed choices."

  • James from Missouri

    "I'm a Vietnam veteran and kratom has saved my life, I was able to quit using opiates for my chronic back pain and it has also greatly reduced my anxiety due to PTSD and depression, thank God for kratom. Please, please this is the only answer to the war on opiate addiction and a God send for so many, many people."

  • Kathy from Missouri

    Years ago I took myself off of multiple pain prescriptions (including high doses of Oxycontin) and went to Kratom and MM. I have safely been using Kratom for 12 years now. It has helped me tremendously with pain with zero side effects. Just like any over the counter item, it is safe unless it is abused. The problem with Kratom is that it ALL needs to be labeled with precise instructions and to take it accordingly. All that I've taken has the recommended dosage and I don't go over that...that's why I've never had a single issue with Kratom in all of these years. I do take it as instructed and take it several times a week and when my pain is very bad I take it daily....again, not going over the recommended amount. Aspirin can be abused as with any other OTC med. It is not the product... it's when it's abused that problems arise like seizures. You may contact me by phone, letter, or email if you would like any more information. It is my sworn testimony that Kratom is safe, effective, and quite honestly, a blessing.

  • Makayla from Missouri

    "I recently started taking Kratom in the capsule form to see if it would help with my anxiety and depression. I’ve struggled with severe anxiety and depression for majority of my life, I’ve been on several different antidepressants and anxiety medications and none have helped. I’ve experienced withdraw symptoms from the medications, suicidal thoughts and worsening of my symptoms. The first day I took Kratom I could feel a difference. I have not been taking Kratom long but just within the short time I have it has changed my life. I have not had any anxiety, am able to complete daily tasks and am able to leave my house and enjoy my life again. I feel as if I have my life back thanks to Kratom.”

  • Amber from Missouri

    "I want to share with you why kratom consumer protection matters so much to me. For years, I was suffering daily from unmitigated, untreatable chronic pain and mainstream medicine was at the end of options for me. This was ten years ago, and I was likely going to die if I hadn’t introduced kratom into my wellness regimen. I can attest that this particular herbal medicine can and does hold great value for society and people. It is safer, can be more effective, and is less invasive than many other medical interventions. It can also serve to complement mainstream medicine and improve outcomes in conjunction as it does for me. Please protect this option for wellness that already helps so many people, including myself, and holds promise to those who someday may have use for it."

  • Tonya from Missouri

    "After having 5 back fusions and being on high doses of pain meds I decided to try kratom for pain relief. It works better than pain meds!!"

  • Zachary from Missouri

    "Kratom has been the only effective thing I've ever taken that adequately addresses the chronic pain of 2 herniated discs in my lower back. I can't imagine ever having to feel like a criminal just to provide what little bit of relief I can for my daily, psychologically draining pain. Some that seek to ban it point to its deadliness, meanwhile, there's not been a single death in recorded history that I'm aware that can be squarely associated with kratom. Kratom taken with other substances, regardless of whether it's an illicit substance or not, carries risks no different than the risk I take every time I take an individual dose of acetaminophen. There will be people that react poorly to kratom in and of itself, and taking it with other substances may create a serious health risk, but mitragynine/kratom alone is not the boogeyman its often portrayed as. The vast majority of the people that consume it, know the risks and accept them because to not take kratom to address their chronic pain is to live a lower quality of life. That lower quality of life can lead to even worse health outcomes, including the deleterious effects of stress and inflammation on the body and organs, including the brain. It would be an absurd waste of people's money and time to force people with genuine health concerns to jump through hoops just to adequately treat their severe pain. As someone that's contended with chronic pain for over 10 years now, I implore you to consider the data, extrapolate the meaning and gauge the methodology, read between the lines and see what is effective and providing for the greater good of the community.”