Veterans Advocate Stories - Share Yours Here

  • Steve from California

    "I am a disabled combat veteran who was blown up 3 times overseas with 8 years of service. When I returned from Afghanistan the VA started pumping me full of pain pills and was mailing large amounts to my doorstep. After they got me nice and hooked they totally cut me off which I was then physically addicted and forced to get my pills from the street. That quickly turned to a heroin addiction which inevitably led to a fentanyl addiction. After 3 unsuccessful 90day rehab attempts, I discovered kratom and my love for the ocean which both saved my life. I haven’t touched a hard drug in over 3 years now all because of kratom."

  • Christina from Illinois

    "Former US ARMY and CPD, Kratom has helped me with insomnia when other things didn’t, red vein Bali is the type I have used. On and off I have had bouts of insomnia for years and I find it takes very little to work and works reliably."

  • Matthew from California

    "I am a US Army Veteran who served during Operation Iraqi Freedom. I suffer from PTSD and Major Depressive Disorder. I had also turned to drinking to deal with my mental health which was a bad decision as is led to worsening my symptoms, and ultimately landing me in jail. However, I got help and got sober. During this time, I discovered kratom. Kratom helped me deal with the alcohol cravings, it completely crushed them. I also found out in treatment that many opiate users have used kratom to quit doing hard street drugs, which substantially lowers their risk of overdose or disease transmission. I have a master's degree in pharmaceutical chemistry, and some of my friends in treatment recommended that I make kratom extracts; so, I did and got some amazing feedback! I gave out some samples of my product on Reddit at r/kratomreview100 and people loved it, so I started Kalifornia Kratom, at I priced my extracts to account for the cost of the raw product, and processing. I have the best prices in the country, because I don't have to pay a chemist to make it, I am one, and I sell it at cost for the love of the plant, and to help others. My full spectrum extract is 17.1% alkaloid concentration and priced at just over $2 a gram.” Coupon code: "americankratom" to get $5 off orders over $20.

  • Brian from North Carolina

    "My name is Brian, I served in the Army Reserves from 1997-2004. Was in a Combat Engineer unit. We made a lot of things go boom and ran the heck outta heavy equipment. Did a lot of PT over those years. The pain in my knees in part caused me to use opiates. Like a lot of people I got addicted to the pills. Choose to quit pills in 2014. "Have used Kratom on a daily basis since then and never had a problem, even if I don't have it. Please, this is the worse opioid epidemic in history. Please don't take away something that is not highly addictive, doesn’t slow the respiratory rate , and something that is almost impossible to OD from. This is all I feel safe taking in 10 years no problem. Help me keep it that way please!”

  • Clifford from New Jersey

    “I am a 28 year military veteran and currently a Deputy Fire Chief. I suffer from back and hip pain and PTSD with anxiety. I started Kratom in 2015 after searching for natural alternatives to RX pain meds. It helped right way with the pain. I also noticed it reduced a lot of my PTSD and anxiety symptoms. I was able to fully function again. As an unintended effect, kratom took away my urge to drink alcohol. I drank quite a bit to deal with the PTSD. Now I no longer desire alcohol and barely drink a beer from time to time.”

  • Christine from North Carolina

    "Kratom has been a lifesaver for me as a disabled veteran. Due to a service-connected injury, I’ve been living in a world of pain, but Kratom helps! Because of the CDC’s opioid guidelines and pain management in the U.S. still being controlled by the DEA, the “Opioid Crisis” is officially over. Yet, I and many other legitimate chronic pain sufferers like me, are still under medicated. I can barely function on my prescription pain meds alone. I have been suicidal several times. But with the right strain of kratom from a provider certified by the American Kratom Association, where I can trust that the product has not been tampered with or adulterated, this miraculous God-given plant has improved my quality of life! I can take care of myself, my pets, and most things around my house. Unfortunately, legislators in the United States have very little knowledge of the effects of kratom. Rather than spend the money to study it, they would just as soon ban it. Please, don’t ban this natural substance with the God-given power to help us all.“

  • Corbin from Florida

    "I used kratom in high school but stopped when I joined the military. While serving, I injured my back severely and was unable to walk for several months. The healthcare I received did little to alleviate my pain or improve my condition. Once I had recovered enough to walk with a cane, I decided to start using kratom again and began brewing tea at home. It took a lot of strength and determination to go through the process—often, I had to sit in a chair in front of the stove to prepare it. However, it was worth it; kratom significantly relieved my pain, enabling me to participate in physical therapy exercises that ultimately aided my recovery. As I write this, I am about 75% of what I was before the injury and no longer require a cane to walk, although I still experience chronic pain. Managing this pain with kratom has drastically improved my quality of life. It’s empowering to know I can control my pain without relying on narcotics, and it gives me hope that one day I’ll return to a state of living freely. After serving six years in the military, I’ve opened my own kava bar, "Nocturne Teas," in Palm Bay, Florida. We serve both kava and kratom products, and many of our customers share similar stories to mine. It brings me joy to know that I can help my community."

  • Kevin from Indiana

    "I am a combat vet with PTSD and chronic pain. The VA will not give anything for my pain so Kratom helps a bit with that and my mood/anxiety. But for the grace of God… and Kratom, I am still alive. It has been a blessing. I have not had to turn to illegal drugs for pain management and have limited the amount of Rx meds that the VA pushes on you. These meds are far more toxic than Kratom.“

  • Kassie from North Carolina

    "I'm a veteran, an addict in recovery and have struggled with numerous mental health issues. Kratom has helped me with all of these issues and more!! Kratom saves lives!"

  • Brett from Florida

    "25 Victor Army veteran. Been using kratom 6 yrs now. only thing that ever worked to control anxiety and pain"

  • Rhonda from Georgia

    "I'm a Veteran and I've had serious knee pain and 2 heart attacks. I am also a retired Nurse. I started using Kratom and my BP is now normal. I have lost 260 pounds. I have been prescribed Vicoden, Darvocet and a slew of other pain meds. I refuse to take any of them!! I decline their advice with the prescriptions. I am able to live a pain free life with Kratom without being a pain med addict. Kratom has changed my life. I have been taking it for 4 years now. Thank you for your support of Kratom."

  • James from Missouri

    "I'm a Vietnam veteran and kratom has saved my life, I was able to quit using opiates for my chronic back pain and it has also greatly reduced my anxiety due to PTSD and depression, thank God for kratom. Please, please this is the only answer to the war on opiate addiction and a God send for so many, many people."

  • Jeffrey from New York

    "I need Kratom for my Neuropathy. It is the only thing that works for me. One teaspoon and I can sleep or walk on different textured floors which enables me to clean up my apartment. I used to take 800mg of gabapentin 3 times a day. But I always had to take extra if I needed to go anywhere plus it didn't help with sleeping."

  • Jourdain from Louisiana

    "I am a 32 year old veteran who would like to share my experience with kratom and how the plant saved my life. Through much of my 20s, I was addicted to heroin. After finding kratom I was able to quit and now have over 6 years clean from opiates. Kratom gave me back control of my life when I thought all was lost. I pray my story imparts the value of kratom, and why its consumers need protection, not criminalization. I use kratom often to control back pain resulting from a 20ft fall. The relief it brings allows me to work a job I enjoy. Kratom is the only effective pain relief I've found other than prescription opioids, which I avoid due to my former addiction. Losing safe access to kratom would leave myself and thousands of others suffering in pain and increase the likelihood of turning to illegal drugs to find relief. Kratom made the withdrawal from fentanyl-laced heroin manageable, helping me to endure them. It also reduces the urge to use, helping me stay clean. Rehab and all my other recovery attempts failed, but kratom didn't, allowing me to overcome my addiction. If I had not found kratom, I'd still be in active addiction, or dead from an overdose. For me kratom literally saved my life. While taking kratom, I have never been fired for being intoxicated at work, stolen from friends and family, or woke up sick from withdrawals. All of these regularly occurred when I was using heroin. Kratom has never caused me to overdose while I experienced 3 overdoses on opiates. 2 of those would've been fatal if I was not administered narcan swiftly. Kratom saved me from being just another causality of the opioid epidemic."

  • Christen from Alaska

    "Please keep Kratom safe for those of us who need it for depression and ADHD."

  • Veteran from Mississippi

    "When I left the military, I did so at the request of my wife for the sake of our new family. I was not ready and I watched as everything fell apart. My marriage was failing, my education was failing, and my career was failing. This culminated about a year later with me suicidal, sitting by myself on a bench in a park and deciding that I was going to take my life that day. The reason that I didn't was because kratom was available to me, which helped me clear my mind and realize that my son would be without a father. If it were not for Kratom I would not be here today."

  • Sean from California

    “My time in the Navy left me with extreme anxiety. I suffered for about 2 years after being honorably discharged and when I found Kratom, it completely turned everything around for me. When this plant is respected and used with responsibility, the benefits for anxious people can be tremendous, and the side effects are much less extreme than what you would find in synthetic pharmaceutical drugs. I oppose any bans on this herb because it would be taking away the benefits that so many people like me have found with this supplement.”

  • Cooper from Minnesota

    “As a Minnesotan and a Marine Corps Veteran, I have health problems to say the least. Kratom gives me the opportunity everyday to stand back up, to be able to take care of my fiancée and my home. It is a medicine, like many other herbs and plants around the world, like Devil's Claw, another herb I use; these medicines deserve respect. Please protect this beautiful plant, it's keeping so many people alive.”