Kansas Advocate Stories - Share Yours Here

  • Cathleen from Kansas

    "Went off opioids after 8 years of illness and then pain pill addiction. Kratom was the only saving grace to safely LEAVE addiction. Been on it over 8 months, no side effects or breathing irregularities like I experienced with opioids."

  • Justin from Kansas

    "Kratom is obviously a miracle for the many, many people that utilize it for any number of reasons. It has personally, potentially saved my life. It was available to me when I needed it most, as it should be available to responsible adults that should be the prime decision maker regarding their body, mind, and spirit. This is not a horrible and scary narcotic as some un-informed media sources have purported. A simple glance at the personal stories from the doctors, lawyers, military members, blue and white-collar workers, not to mention myself, makes this apparent. Please support the Kratom Consumer Protection Act. Thank you so much for your efforts!"

  • Laura from Kansas

    "I have a complex medical history. I struggle with physiological deformity, fibromyalgia, a lifetime of arthritis starting as a small child, and CPTSD. I have been totally disabled 25+years. I was dependent and unmanaged on allopathic medicine. I was homebound and bed ridden. I employed every possible strategy, a strict diet, painful exercise, herbs, vitamins, supplements, and meditation to change my life. Learning about and utilizing Kratom turned things around for me. Initially, I went medication free using all of my energy and resources managing the day to day pain, with little energy for anything else. Finding Kratom changed everything. I found a plant that allowed me to adjust dosages as needed day by day to manage my symptoms. Kratom treats my pain as well as my IBS. I have a full life again. I was able to manage my own health and take back my life with Kratom. I encourage you to read and educate yourself on this amazing plant."

  • Rick from Kansas

    “I previously was employed in the surgical field as a professional for over 20 years. I use kratom on a regular basis. For me it provides some alertness effects and I noticed it's similar to a cup of tea or a cup of coffee. If you research the independent studies that have been published you will learn that kratom used alone has very little if any at all harmful side effects and It is my personal opinion that kratom actually has some emotional and physical benefits and I've heard this from others that I have spoke with that use kratom on a regular basis. I'm asking you please do not make this substance illegal. Kratom is a natural chemical. I have used it off and on for 10 years now and have never experienced any harmful effects or any harmful withdrawals when stopping. All of the medical documentation I have personally researched where kratom has been called harmful looks as though it's being mixed with alcohol and or prescription narcotics of some type or other substances entirely.”